Sunday, August 9, 2009


from the field by hand or net during the day and fed to
chickens and ducks. Mix the caterpillars with other
food or the fowl will refuse to eat armyworms after a
Chemical control: Insecticides should be the last
resort for armyworm control. The choice of insecticide
depends on factors such as the application
equipment available, the cost of the insecticide, the
presence of fish, or a need to preserve natural
enemies. Like all pesticides, the benefits of using an
insecticide must be weighed against the risks to
health and the environment. Indiscriminate
insecticide use can disrupt existing biological control,
resulting in pest resurgence or outbreaks. Before
using a pesticide contact a crop protection specialist
for suggestions, guidance, and warnings specific to
your situation. Always read pesticide labels carefully.

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