Sunday, August 9, 2009

Liquid chlorine

Specification: IS: 646-1986 (reaffirmed in 1996).

Description: The chemical is a clear yellow liquid and, when evaporated over a clean white tile, leaves no residue.

Composition: When tested to the method prescribed in appendix 'A' IS: 646-1986, the vapourised liquid contains not less than 99.8 per cent by volume of chlorine gas.

Properties and storage: Liquid chlorine is a clear amber-coloured mobile fluid and is about one-and-one-half times the weight of water. It evaporates extremely rapidly when spilled, one volume of liquid forming 460 volumes of gas. Thus, a liquid chlorine leak may be extremely hazardous, as the quantity of chlorine given out is many times greater than that from a gaseous leak.

Chlorine is slightly soluble in water; the maximum solubility being approximately 1 per cent at 10° C. Chlorine cylinders and containers should be stored in a dried ventilated place, protected from excessive heat and direct sunlight. It is preferable that the storage room be fire-proof. Storage near gangways or in sub-surface locations should be avoided.

Uses: Chlorine is used mainly as a bleaching agent and a disinfectant. It is also used in metallurgy and in the manufacture of organic and inorganic chlorinated products.

Safety precautions:
1. Even a minor leak must be attended to immediately. If the leak occurs in the containers in which the chlorine is being used, the container valve should be closed immediately.
2. Certified gas masks should be used whenever chlorine is present in significant quantities. The gas mask should be inspected frequently.
3. Follow routine first-aid procedures during a minor incident of gassing, but in an emergency call a physician immediately.
4. Water should not be spread on a chlorine leak.
5. Leak at valve steams can often be stopped by tightening the valve packing nuts and/or closing the valve.

Packing: 900-kg and 1,000-kg cylinders.

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